Member Announcements
Anyone who has not picked up their new Class B uniforms needs to pick them up ASAP. Anyone that has a problem with the NEW uniforms must contact Mike Sr. now and bring in the uniform for exchange.
PA Weekend at the National Fire Academy August 2 - 3 2008. Applications are availible March 1, 2008. Classes are:
- Incident Command System for Structural Collapse Incidents (ICSSCI)
- Incident Safety Officer (ISO)
- Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist II (JFIS II)
- Leadership I: Strategies for Company Success (LSI)
- NIMS--Incident Command System for the Fire Service (NIMS - ICS for the FS)
- Shaping the Future (STF)
- Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations (STICO)
- Training Operations in Small Departments (TOSD)
Anyone I missed on the Prob Board and IFSAC Certs please email me and I will fix it, Don.
Wool Scull caps still available- See Tim if interested $6.00
West End fire Company members may gain access to the Members Only Section of the page by sending an email to
Members wanting a email address please send an email to
The new procedures for issuing equipment will be in effect as of 1/12/08! Forms and other information will be availible at the Equipment Room, in the Files Library section of this site or email me at
Business Meeting Attendance Sheet is located in the file section. Department members must have log in access. If you need access to the members only section of the site send an email to